I Did It!

Yes, I've finally created a blog! Many friends and family have been requesting pics, more frequent updates, more info...and I kept saying, "When I get my blog up..." I feel like things are settling into place. I feel like I'm settling into *my* place here in Moldova.
My host family is a warm family atmosphere where I really feel at home. I even have younger sisters, one of whom is a student of mine... And my kids at school are good kids, all 141 of them. Please pray that we establish good relationships. I have a good working relationship so far with my administration and colleagues.
Everyone seems open to hearing about anything I have to share with them. I have had several conversations where I have gotten to share about what Jesus means to me... both with other PC volunteers and with my friends and family. This is important to me because my faith is so central to who I am. To NOT be able to tell people about my love for Jesus would be like having to hide who I really am on the inside.
PC is NOT a missions organization by any stretch of the imagination. But it is interesting to me how similar their mission is to that of Jesus Christ. "Go to the nations and show them love" could be a good way to paraphrase both missions. While Peace Corps does not condone prosletyzing, they do encourage PCVs to share who we are, our faiths, our histories, our culture. And this is me: "The life I live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me." Gal 2:20. My hope is to share the hope that I have with those around me.
Until we meet again, I do hereby solemnly promise to keep you posted and to upload pics as often as possible!